
2016-2-ES02-KA205-007980 – eSkills for Volunteers

 The importance of digital skills for both social inclusion and employability has been made an high priority by the European Commission, hence several initiative such as Digital Agenda, Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, Eskills for jobs campaign, EU Code Week and reinforced in the recently published “Eskills Manifesto” introduced by Vice President Ansip. Ansip also note that Commissioner Andrus ANSIP “the ICT skill gap is growing to  unacceptable level”.

Equipping citizen from all background with relevant digital skills is a responsibility shared between governments, industry, academia, and individuals. Youngsters, often called digital natives are most concerned. They are regular users of technology but research shows that they often not have the relevant skills to be savvy or competent users. Furthermore as youth unemployment is a major issue all other Europe, mastering these skills is becoming critical to fill the huge gap created by the digital revolution.

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